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Der er 266 links samlingen, heraf 37 i 'Foreninger'.
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Native Seeds/SEARCH is a nonprofit conservation organization based in Tucson, Arizona. NS/S works to conserve, distribute and document the adapted and diverse varieties of agricultural seed, their wild relatives and the role these seeds play in cultures of the American Southwestern and northwest Mexico.
Our mission began in 1983, springing from the nexus of cultural longing and impending loss of genetic diversity. Today we safeguard 2000 varieties of arid-land adapted agricultural crops. Some, like watermelons, were adapted from seeds brought by early Europeans. Most of our collection consists of varieties of indigenous crops developed over centuries or millennia to suit the needs of their human partners. We promote the use of these ancient crops and their wild relatives by distributing seeds to traditional communities and to gardeners world wide.
Currently we offer 350 varieties from our collection, grown out at our Conservation Farm in Patagonia, Arizona. We also work to preserve knowledge about the traditional uses of the crop we steward. Through research, seed distribution and community outreach NS/S seeks to protect biodiversity and to celebrate cultural diversity. Both are essential in connecting the past to the future.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Gamle sorter og historie | Foreninger
Navdanya means “nine seeds” (symbolizing protection of biological and cultural diversity) and also the “new gift” (for seed as commons, based on the right to save and share seeds In today’s context of biological and ecological destruction, seed savers are the true givers of seed. This gift or “dana” of Navadhanyas (nine seeds) is the ultimate gift – it is a gift of life, of heritage and continuity. Conserving seed is conserving biodiversity, conserving knowledge of the seed and its utilization, conserving culture, conserving sustainability.
Navdanya has its own seed bank and organic farm spread over an ares of 20 acres in Uttrakhand, north India.
Navdanya has so far successfully conserved more than 5000 crop varieties including 3000 of rice, 95 of wheat, 150 of kidney beans (rajma), 15 of millets and and several varieties of pulses, vegetable, medicinal plants etc.
Kategori: Foreninger | Gamle sorter og historie | Frøavl og frøsamlere
The No Patents on Seeds coalition is initiated by the Berne Declaration, Greenpeace, Misereor, No Patents on Life, Swissaid and the Norwegian Development Fund, and campaigns for a clear regulation in patent law.
Their initiative is supported globally by over 300 NGOs and farmers’ organisations, and has collected about 100.000 signatures against patents on plants and animals. The coalition now urges the institutions of the EU to go for clear legal regulations to exclude from patentability plants and animals, genetic material and processes for breeding of plants and animals and food derived thereof.
Kategori: Foreninger | Gamle sorter og historie | Frøavl og frøsamlere
Omstilling Danmark er en forening som sætter fokus på hvordan vi kan leve et godt liv i en fremtid, hvor der bliver færre naturresurser at deles om, og hvor klimaet ændres.
- Kan vi finde mere berigende måder at leve sammen på, som anerkender de biologiske begrænsninger på vores planet, og kan vi sammen tage en mere aktiv del i at skabe en forandring? Eksempelvis ved at sætte fokus på fælles nyttehaver og lokal fødevareresilience.
Kategori: Foreninger | Økologi
Permakultur betyder vedvarende kulturer. Permakultur bygger på forestillingen om, at det er muligt at skabe levende kulturer, der år efter år tilfredsstiller menneskelige behov på en måde, så også dyr, planter og jord har glæde af det.
Kategori: Foreninger | Økologi | Mad fra haven
Plantearven er foreningen Frøsamlernes projektside. Her kan du for tiden læse om projektet 'Genopdagelse af gamle bælgfrugter'.
Projektet er støttet af Det Europæiske Fællesskab og Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri.
Kategori: Foreninger
Plants for a Future are a registered charity; we are compiling a database, which currently consists of approximately 7000 species of plants. We research and provide information on edible and otherwise useful plants suitable for growing outdoors in a temperate climate. There are now 1500 species of edible plants growing at 'The Field' in Cornwall, our base since 1989.
The main aims of the charity are researching and providing information on ecologically sustainable horticulture, promoting a high diversity, holistic and permacultural approach namely 'woodland gardening'. We aim to use a minimal input of resources and energy, create a harmonious eco-system and cause the least possible damage to the environment whilst achieving high productivity.
Kategori: Databaser | Foreninger
ProSpecieRara ist eine schweizerische, nicht-Profit-orientierte Stiftung. Sie wurde 1982 gegründet, um gefährdete Nutztierrassen und Kulturpflanzen vor dem Aussterben zu bewahren. Spiegelschaf, Wollschwein, Rote Gartenmelde, Goldmöstler und viele andere beleben seither wieder Felder, Höfe und Wiesen.
Als Folge der Artenschutzkonvention von Rio 1992 unterschrieb der Bund das Artenschutzabkommen von Leipzig. Damit verpflichtete sich die Schweiz, sämtliche Ressourcen bei Tieren und Pflanzen zu erhalten. Ein globaler Aktionsplan beschreibt, wie dieser Schutz zu erfolgen hat. In diese Erhaltungsarbeit sind auch die — teilweise vom Bund unterstützten — Tätigkeiten der Stiftung ProSpecieRara eingebettet.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Gamle sorter og historie | Foreninger
From its foundation in 1804, the Royal Horticultural Society has grown to be the world's leading horticultural organisation and the UK's leading gardening charity. We at the RHS continue our commitment to gardeners through inspirational flower shows, gardens, and over 1,000 lectures and demonstrations throughout the UK.
Kategori: Foreninger | Havebrug
"Save our Seeds" is dedicated to keeping conventional and organically grown seeds free of genetically modified organisms. In a joint petition 300 organisations representing over 25 million members and 200.000 individual citizens of Europe demand a strict EU law to protect the purity of seeds. Seeds are the kernels of life, the foundation of our food supply and humanities oldest heritage.
Kategori: Foreninger | Frøavl og frøsamlere
Seed Savers Exchange is a nonprofit organization that saves and shares the heirloom seeds of our garden heritage, forming a living legacy that can be passed down through generations.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Gamle sorter og historie | Foreninger
Seeds of Diversity is a Canadian charitable organization dedicated to the conservation, documentation and use of public-domain non-hybrid plants of Canadian significance. Our 1700 members from coast to coast are gardeners, farmers, teachers, scientists, agricultural historians, researchers and seed vendors. Together we grow, propagate and distribute over 1500 varieties of vegetables, fruit, grains, flowers and herbs. We are a living gene bank.
Formerly known as the Heritage Seed Program, a project of the Canadian Organic Growers since 1984, Seeds of Diversity Canada is now an independent charitable corporation operated by a volunteer board of directors. Our work is funded mainly by membership fees and private donations.
Kategori: Foreninger | Gamle sorter og historie
Svenska Örtasällskapet är en ideell förening som arbetar för att sprida kunskap om örter, deras användning och betydelse; förr, nu och i framtiden.
Örtasällskapet skall också stimulera ekologisk odling av örter och förmedla kunskap om användning av växter som är till nytta och nöje för oss alla.
Kategori: Foreninger
Välkommen till Sällskapet Trädgårdsamatörerna (STA). Föreningen för Dig som är en passionerad trädgårdsodlare. STA är en ideell förening med för närvarande ca 8500 medlemmar i de nordiska länderna.
Kategori: Foreninger
The National Vegetable Society NVS is a charity dedicated to advancing the culture, study and improvement of vegetables offering help and advice to novice and expert show grower alike.
Kategori: Foreninger
Den tyske frøsamlerorganisation VEN arbejder for at bevare nytteplanters mangfoldighed. Man søger efter gamle arter af nytteplanter, der ikke længere vedligeholdes for at rekultivere, opformere og videreudvikle dem.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Foreninger | Gamle sorter og historie
Her kan du læse stort set alt om økologi. Du finder oplysninger om økologisk landbrug, økologiske dyr og afgrøder, økologiens historie og meget andet. Desuden kan du downloade gratis materiale eller slå ord og begreber op i leksikonnet.
Kategori: Økologi | Foreninger